Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are manifestations of degenerative changes in cartilage and intervertebral discs. The development of pathology contributes to subsidence, deformity of the vertebrae. As a result, the patient experiences pain, dizziness, nausea.

First signs
The cervical region contains the main blood vessels that feed the brain. The micro-impulses emitted by the main organ and the central nervous system pass through the nerve fibers. The severity of symptoms depends on the degree of the disease, individual characteristics. In cervical osteochondrosis, the discs that perform the function of amortization are negatively affected by:
- The structure is changing.
- Outgrowths form in the form of tufts due to the growth of bone tissue in osteochondrosis. As a result, the blood supply deteriorates, the nerve fibers fail.
The first symptoms of the disease are not pronounced.
With the development of osteochondrosis, arising in the neck, there is intense pain - the main symptom. During the movements the discomfort intensifies, muscle tension arises.
There are different categories of people at risk. The process is determined by factors that provoke the development of cervical osteochondrosis:
- sedentary way of life;
- Overweight;
- concomitant diseases - scoliosis, rheumatism;
- excessive physical activity;
- spinal cord injury.
Symptoms of the next stages of osteochondrosis of the neck
Changes in cartilage tissue appear as signs, the severity of which depends on the severity of dystrophic disorders. Processes can lead to damage to any internal system of the body:
- Compression of nerve endings is characterized by symptoms in the form of osteochondrosis neuralgia. When the spinal cord is pinched, neurological diseases can occur. Bone growths that form on nerve roots partially or completely immobilize the vertebrae, leading to their fusion. There is a loss of sensitivity.
- Compression of the main and peripheral blood vessels is the reason for the lack of full blood circulation. Oxygen starvation occurs, heart function deteriorates. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis: frequent migraines, jumps in blood pressure, impaired coordination, vascular dystonia, impaired respiratory function. Hearing and vision problems can occur.

External symptoms are characterized by a wide range of damage to the body. Patients do not complain of deterioration of general well-being in the pathology of the first stage. To prevent the onset of the disease, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, swim and do wellness exercises.
The sensation of cervical osteochondrosis of the second phase is characterized by pain, which leads to stiffness of movements.
The feeling of discomfort can be localized in different areas of the spine. Reduced patient productivity. Compression of the arteries causes general weakness, migraine. Tilts, rotations of the head increase the discomfort of osteochondrosis.
The third stage of the disease is determined by more pronounced symptoms: on palpation of the pathological area there is sharp pain, immobility, movements are characterized by crunching, dizziness, nausea. The condition manifests itself with loss of consciousness, the patient feels a lump in the throat. Impaired blood circulation leads to spikes in blood pressure and hypertension. There is tingling in the upper limbs.
The fourth phase is determined by the deterioration of the condition. In the advanced form of cervical osteochondrosis, the patient may be injured. The main symptom is immobilization of the cervical spine. The compression of the arteries and nerve fibers reaches its maximum, which manifests itself in the form of tinnitus, damage to vision and hearing. There is a speech disorder - numbness of the tongue, loss of coordination.
Treatment of osteochondrosis localized in the neck is carried out using a conservative method of drug therapy.
The doctor prescribes physiotherapy, remedial gymnastics. To eliminate the pain syndrome during the exacerbation of the pathology, it is recommended to conduct a course of restorative massage.
Internal symptoms characterize the changes that occur in the structure of cartilage tissue in osteochondrosis:
- Stage I manifestation of chondrosis. The physiological structure of the ridge is disturbed. The location of the discs between the vertebrae narrows due to lack of fluid. Muscle hypertonia occurs.
- Stage II osteochondrosis of the neck is determined by the thinning of the intervertebral discs, their height decreases, which increases the load on the musculoskeletal system. The result is pain.
- Stage III. The cartilage deforms, the bone tissue grows, intervertebral hernias form and a bulge appears. Cases of disk failure have been fixed. The symptoms of the condition are characterized by severity. Osteoarthritis begins to progress.
- Stage IV. Complete destruction of the discs located between the vertebrae, with further replacement of the gaps with bone or connective tissue. The process leads to the formation of growths.
To prevent the development of the disease, it is recommended to regularly perform exercises at home, which are aimed at strengthening the muscular corset in osteochondrosis. To relieve pain, special drugs, ointments, injections are prescribed. Apply folk remedies in the form of compresses, bandages.

Can symptoms differ between men and women?
The neck is the most mobile part of the musculoskeletal system, there are 7 vertebrae. The department starts with the chest and is attached to the skull. The signs of cervical osteochondrosis in women do not differ from the manifestations of pathology in men. According to statistics, women are more prone to the disease, which is due to the anatomical structure, possible pregnancy.
The course of the disease depends on concomitant conditions, hormone levels, symptoms and other factors.
> zxtable border = "1" cellpadding = "0" >The birth of the fetus may be accompanied by the appearance of symptoms:
- progression of cervical, lumbar osteochondrosis;
- pinched nerve endings;
- the appearance of problems with the cardiovascular system;
- stiffness of movements.
Characteristics of the diagnosis of pathology
The overall diagnosis of osteochondrosis arising in the neck, taking into account the degree of the disease, the symptoms, is the key to a favorable course of the condition. To establish an accurate diagnosis, various methods are used:
- Inspection. After contact with a doctor, a visual assessment is performed with a parameter - gait, posture. A complete history of the patient's symptoms is collected.
- Radiography is considered an affordable method of examination. It is characterized by the possible occurrence of consequences that affect the general well-being of the patient. An X-ray is taken of the cervical area from the base of the skull to the top of the chest. The study shows the condition of the intervertebral discs.
- tomography. There are two types: computer and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the first case, with the help of a special device, the specialist takes pictures-sections under the influence of X-rays. The resulting image is displayed on a computer screen, a 3D model is executed. The second type of research is based on the work of electromagnetic waves. Multi-layered photos are taken of a specific part of the body.
If the symptoms of osteochondrosis, which appear in the neck, are characterized by intense development, you should consult a doctor. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, exercise regularly and swim. In advanced pathology, a course of treatment is prescribed, including taking drugs that stop the pain and normalize the functioning of the body's internal systems.